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Impuls Festival / Graz 2023



With two world premieres and a group improvisation, Kollektiv Unruhe does not only present itself as a young creative ensemble, but also as an interpreter of new works by Beltrán González and Nik Bohnenberger. At the impuls Minute Concerts, July 29th, the collective premiered another composition by José Luis Perdigón de Paz, who also actively supports the ensemble as a violinist. On August 2nd, the program included further compositions by young composers.

Concert #1
28.7.2023 Theater im Palais Graz

Beltrán González: that place where boundaries became faces, for amplified trio, cassettes, electronics (2023, world premiere)

Kollektiv Unruhe: Improvisation

Nik Bohnenberger: FUTTERNEID,,for flute, clarinet, bassoon, piano, accordion, violin (2023, world premiere)

Malin Sieberns flutes | Camilo Pehuen Hirschhorn clarinets | Olivia Palmer-Baker bassoon | Ilona Perger piano | Elisabeth Müller accordion | José Luis Perdigón de Paz violin
Beltrán González conductor

Concert #2
29.7.2023 Halle für Kunst, Graz

José Luis Perdigón: spAcE jUnk (2023, world premiere), 18 min.
Malin Sieberns piccolo | Olivia Palmer-Baker bassoon | Elisabeth Müller accordion
Kollektiv Unruhe: Improvisation, 5 min.
Malin Sieberns flutes | Camilo Pehuen Hirschhorn clarinets | Olivia Palmer-Baker bassoon
Elisabeth Müller accordion
Keiko Harada: Third ear deaf 2b (2003), 10 min. 
Elisabeth Müller accordion | Malin Sieberns flute
François Sarhan: Pflikato (2021-2022), 9 min.
Beltrán González performer | Olivia Palmer-Baker performer | Camilo Pehuen Hirschhorn performer

Concert #3
2.8.2023 Theater im Palais Graz

John Aulich: sunken (2021, world premiere)

Mert Moralı: phantoms of -topias (2023, world premiere)

Emil Vijgen Strøbæk: Austrian observatory (2023, world premiere)

Connor McLean: Winds of The Wasteland (2023, world premiere)

Sara Stevanović: when bashful hands assume silence beyond pink hollyhock existence (2022/2023, world premiere of revised version)

Kollektiv Unruhe:
Malin Sieberns flutes | Camilo Pehuen Hirschhorn clarinets | Olivia Palmer-Baker bassoon | Ilona Perger piano | Elisabeth Müller accordion | José Luis Perdigón de Paz violin
Beltrán González conductor

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